Power-up asset Design


The design for power-ups was quite difficult as making something that is creatively unique and is fit for purpose i found challenging.

unfortunately we are not going to have as many power ups as initially planned due to team difficulties, with now only having three members. This is to lessen the work load and ultimately still meet what we initially envisioned, from our pitch.

I once again wanted to use a transparent bubble style for similar reasons as previously stated with the score icon, in that it would not distract the players view and not take away attention from the background or any other assets.

The first design had to be for a score multiplier, which I found hard to design from a creative stand point rather than just placing a X-2 , in bold black lettering and moving on and going to the next asset. To add some creative flare, to something simple i used illustrators pen tool to draw the lettering design of the X making one line bigger than the other and layering it on top of the smaller line. I then took the design of the games restart button and started adding lights, similar to the main characters eyes and bronzed the X and adding lines connecting then reminiscent of circuitry. I also then, took the same progress towards the 2.

As for the power-up which purpose is to halt the spawning of the “death blocks”, I found especially difficult to even concept a design that was unique and conveys the purpose to the player. I had such difficulty with this my other team members suggested doing a stop sign with a design similar to my others. We agreed that this was the best course of action with our time frame, to just be focusing on the design for a one asset, but if another design could be thought of by any of us we would take it further

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